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How Do Dental Implants Work?

Do you have a missing tooth? Our previous blog discusses who is a good candidate for a dental implant. Today, we want to discuss how these implants work.

Dental implants feel, function, and look just like your natural teeth. In fact, many people do not even know that you are missing a natural tooth. After your implant is placed, you actually care for it in the same manner as your other natural teeth by brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist for your regular cleanings.

In order to receive an implant, you first must schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Frankel. During this appointment, Dr. Frankel and his staff will discuss your treatment plan, allowing you to know exactly what to expect during this process.

Once you begin the process of having the implant, there are several steps of the process.

1.) A cylindrical or tapered post made of titanium is placed surgically into the jawbone.

2.) As you heal, the implant fuses with your natural bone. The two grow together to form a strong, long-lasting foundation for your replacement teeth. This process can take weeks to months. While this happens, a temporary tooth can be placed, hiding your missing tooth. While this process happens, you can proceed with your everyday life in between appointments.

3.) Once the implant bonds with the jawbone, a small connector- called an abutment- is placed on top of the dental implant to connect the implant to the replacement crown, bridge, or dentures.

4.) An individual tooth, and implant-supported bridge, or dentures containing multiple teeth are then attached to the abutment.

A lost tooth no longer needs to effect your confidence, social opportunities, and others perceptions of you. With the help of a dental implant, you natural smile can be restored in a few short weeks. For more information about dental implants, call Frankel Dentistry to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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