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Back to School with Smile Friendly Snacks

Back to school season is finally here! Frankel Dentistry wants to help your little ones start the year with a healthy, happy smile. Taking care of your smile goes beyond just cleaning your teeth and regular dental visits, it’s important to watch what you’re putting into your body! 

Here are some healthy back to school snacks to help promote dental health!

Apples, Celery, and Carrots! Did you know crunchy fruit and vegetables can help clean your teeth by removing plaque from the enamel? Not only do they clean your teeth but also provide you with vitamins and minerals to support your body.

Some of our favorite classic snacks include apple slices or celery with peanut butter. Carrots and other crunchy vegetables always pair great with hummus.

Milk, cheese, and yogurt. Dairy products are a great source of calcium, which helps repair enamel and strengthen bones which support your teeth. Cheese and yogurt are also rich in vitamin D and phosphate which create lower acid levels and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Nuts and seeds! Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds and more are a great source of healthy fats, vitamin D, folic acid and not to mention one of the best sources of protein. 

Thinking about what to drink? Water.

Encourage your little ones to drink more water daily! Water helps hydrate your organs and muscle, balance pH levels in the mouth, and increase saliva production which means less tooth decay and stronger tooth enamel.

Categories: Children's Dental CareDental AnxietyDental Check-UpsDental HealthDental TipsFrankel DentistryHealthy Mouth