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Care For Yourself to Care For Others!

At Frankel Dentistry, we recognize that the well-being of our team members directly influences the exceptional care we provide to our patients! Which is why it’s so important for us to take care of ourselves! This August we’re practicing new and old healthy habits along with prioritizing self care! We’re excited to share how our commitment to wellness not only enhances our own lives but also enriches the experiences of those who entrust us with their dental health! Caring for yourself can help you better care for others too! Here are just a few of our team members’ favorite ways to care for themselves!

With the fall season and back to school right around the corner, August is the perfect time to hop back into a routine and prioritize your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Caring for yourself can help you better care for your loved ones as well. How are you focusing on your well-being?

Want to make your oral health a top priority or due for a dental exam? Contact us today to schedule with us!

Toledo: 419-474-9611

Maumee: 419-893-0221

Categories: Dental HealthFrankel Dentistry