We are all enjoying the spring weather and summer will be here in a few weeks. With nice weather comes more trips to the playground, but unfortunately that can mean more injuries – especially to the mouth. Dental injuries occur more in the summer months as people are more active. Kids will be kids can can enjoy themselves, but in the event of an accident, we want our families to be armed with the information on what to do – especially when you need to act quickly!

Dr. Frankel’s Tips for Summer Safety:

  • 1. If you or your child is playing a summer contact sport, please wear a properly fitted sports guard to prevent any injury.
  • 2. Pack an “ER Kit” for your teeth in your diaper bag or purse – this should consist of: your dentist’s phone number, gauze, ibuprofen and an ice pack.
  • 3. If a tooth is chipped or knocked out, save the tooth and place it in a safe, clean container or bag.
  • 4. Call our office ASAP – don’t panic – we are here for you 24/7 to help you out and will help you be seen right away! Dr. Frankel can even be reached after office hours in the event of an emergency!

You can always go to your nearest emergency room to seek immediate help. If you aren’t sure of what to do, don’t hesitate to call our office – we are here for you! Stay safe and have fun!